Two essential drinks for bride-to-be for good hair and skin.

two essential drinks for bride-to-be

As the wedding season approaches, brides-to-be need to adopt a healthy lifestyle to maintain flawless and smooth skin. Your skin is always a reflection of your body’s health. It is the only organ that initially informs you if something is going wrong inside your body. We have two essential drinks for bride-to-be to integrate into eating regimen for that additional glow during all events.

In pre-wedding health, these drinks act as something other than rewards. They’re elixirs created to upgrade your skin, mitigate your stomach-related dysfunctionalities, and advance a general feeling of prosperity. Here are the five mystical beverages for all brides-to-be.

Beetroot Juice

two essential drinks for bride-to-be

Two medium-sized peeled beetroots,
One medium-sized peeled apple
One inch ginger
Half lemon
One Glass water
Ice cubes (discretionary)


1- Add peeled beetroots, apple, and ginger in the blender.
2- Add freshly squeezed lemon juice.
3- Add a glass of water.
4- Blend it well until all the ingredients are smooth and blend.
5- Pour into a glass and add ice cubes.


Sipping this beetroot drink daily will give you smooth, glowy skin and healthy hair. This drink contains vitamin C, antioxidants, iron, vitamin A, and more. You will get rid of dark spots, suntan, and acne. These ingredients will combat the free radicals in your body to support an aging factor and lighten the dark complexion. Iron and other vitamins and minerals are perfect for a healthy scalp to get smooth, shiny hair.

Fennel Tea

two essential drinks for bride-to-be

Half a teaspoon of Fennel seeds
A few mint leaves
Half cinnamon stick
One and a half cups of water


1- Gently boil the water.
2- Add fennel seeds and mint leaves.
3- Add cinnamon.
4- Boil all the ingredients for about 3-4 minutes.
5- Strain the tea.
6- Enjoy the tea.


Fennel tea can be the best option for stomach-related help. It improves gut health and the digestive system overall, and this combination can control glucose levels. The all-encompassing methodology of these ingredients offers a thorough answer for those looking for help from stomach-related distress and a more agreeable, swell-free insight. Everyone knows that good gut health makes your hair and skin better. Add this tea to your daily evening routine and enjoy the magic.

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