is Pakistan selling JF-17 Thunder fighter jets? Reports uncover that Pakistan has accomplished a critical achievement by tying down an arrangement to supply 12 JF-17 Thunder Block III contender planes to the Iraqi Flying corps, making Iraq the fourth or fifth client of these airplanes.

is Pakistan selling JF-17 Thunder fighter jets

According to EurAsian Times

Zimbabwe will receive 12 MFI-17 Super Mushshak trainer airplanes from Pakistan after a productive talk. The concurrence with Baghdad, esteemed at US $1.8 billion, incorporates the stockpile of 12 units every one of the MFI Mushshak trainers and JF-17 fighter airplane.

The Agreement

The agreement between Pakistan and Iraq regarding the defense cooperation was finalized during conversations between Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Babar, the Pakistani Air Force chief, and his Iraqi counterpart. The talks involved representatives from Iraq, among them Lt Gen Ahmed Dawood, the Secretary General of Safeguard, and Lt Gen Shahab Jahid Ali.

The MFI-17 Super Mushshak, known for its lightweight plan and flexibility, is a two/three-seater, single-motor airplane fit for working from short, ill-equipped strips. Twelve JF-Thunder Block III fighter jets are intended to be supplied by Pakistan following the delivery of 12 Mushshak trainer aircraft to Iraq. The specifics of the deal are currently under discussion.

The JF-17 Thunder, a cooperation between Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and China’s Chengdu Airplane Industry Corp, includes a Chinese airframe, Western flight, and a Russian motor. With a help roof of 50,000 feet and a maximum velocity of around 1,200 mph, the JF-17 is an imperative resource for the PAF, utilized for different missions including flying capture and ground attack.


Pakistan signed a deal to provide 12 JF-17 Thunder Block III fighter jets to Iraq and 12 MFI-17 Super Mushshak trainer aircraft to Zimbabwe, enhancing Defense cooperation. The JF-17 Thunder, a collaborative project with China, provides advanced capabilities for the Pakistan Air Force.

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